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Contract Design II--Retail & Hospitality: Introduction

About this Guide

This guide is designed to help you locate resources in the Library about non-residential interiors such as retail and hotel environments. Related design considerations for these environments include environment and behavior, sustainability, accessible design, historical precedent and market trends.

Course Description

Contract II will have a short-term intensive retail project and a long-term large-scale hotel lobby project.

The short-term project emphasizes the development of a corporate identity and the visual articulation of a “brand” for a retail client through the design of the interior of a store.

The long-term project is the complex space planning and design of a hotel lobby and involves the complete spatial and design
development of this environment.


Image from: “Fitbit Store Interior.” MSA Architecture + Design, MSA Architecture + Design, Accessed 10 Oct. 2017.


Textbooks (386 Contract Design II)

The core Required and Suggested texts for this class are all available in the NYSID Library on Reserve.  

Requiredand Suggested Textbooks (Print):

Binggeli, Corky. Interior Graphic Standards. Student Edition., 2nd ed, Wiley, 2011.

Karlen, Mark. Space Planning Basics. 3rd ed., Wiley, 2009.

* Piotrowski, Christine M., and Elizabeth A. Rogers. Designing Commercial Interiors. 2nd ed., Wiley, 2007. 

Above textbooks available as Ebooks (page numbers may vary from print versions):
Binggeli, Corky. Interior Graphic Standards, student edition. 2nd ed, Wiley, 2011. Ebook Central. 


* Piotrowski, Christine M., and Elizabeth A. Rogers. Designing Commercial Interiors. 2nd ed., Wiley, 2007. Ebook Central.


Course Info

386 Contract Design II

Credit hours: 3