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Contract Design II--Retail & Hospitality: Retail Design Research

Project 1: “Store of the Future: Wearables + Plus ?”


Image from: Thomson, Rebecca. "Analysis: What does the ultimate tech-enabled store of the future look like?. " Retail Week, 1 Oct., 2014, Accessed 3 Oct. 2017.

For this project, you will need to design a “wearable technology” shop.

The project should feature different types of spaces which create a unique user experience for customers shopping for a smartwatch or wearable.

What is a store of the future? This space will be introducing the next generation of customers to a wearables brand which you are asked to invent. It must provide an experience that attracts educates and excites the generation that expects technology and demands it. Design the experiences the store should offer to achieve the following goals:

The project should feature different types of spaces to support a customer experience.

Design —►experience
● Learning
● Interacting
● Spending Time
● Brand Experience
● Repeat visits

Please refer to your professor's project description for full instructions and functional requirements. 



Getting Started

For the research component of this project, you will want to explore relevant aspects of the retail environment that will inform your design.  

  • Historical precedent;
  • Culture research;
  • Environment & Behavior Research;
  • Human Factors (ergonomics, anthropometrics, universal design and accessibility);
  • Relevant case studies

You may also want to get yourself familiar with the subject matter by consulting the reference resources in CREDO or some general e-books in EBSCO. A keyword search of the subject matter and its related terms should generate a lot of results and basic information about the subject matter. Similarly, you should also get yourself familiar with the typical practices and activities of the wearables industry, e.g., what are the specific needs and activities in a wearables technology shop and who are your key consumers?

As you get started on your research, consulting verified reference materials such as CREDO and related general print or electronic books in the library's collection will be an important first step in your research and design process.


Image from: "Smart Stores." Design: Retail, vol. 28, no. 5, June 2016, p. 008. EBSCOhost, Accessed 10 Oct. 2017.



The NYSID Library has a significant collection of print books on retail design and retail environments. Try a  search in the Library's online catalog, BobCat using the suggested subject terms and keywords below. 

You can sort the results by the newest date if you want to find out the latest research on retail design. 

Useful Subject Terms

Stores, Retail -- DesignStores, Retail -- Design and construction;  ​Stores, Retail -- Designs and plans -- Pictorial works; Stores, Retail -- Themes, motivesCorporate image -- Design; Branding (Marketing); Retail -- PlanningStore decoration, Display of merchandise




Arnell, Peter. Arnell: Immersive Experience: Volume 2: Retail. New York, s.n. 2009.

Barr, Vilma, and Charles E. Broudy. Designing to Sell: A Complete Guide to Retail Store Planning and Design. 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, 1990.

Boer-Schultz, Sarah de, Shonquis Moreno, and Suzanne Wales. Goods: Interior Products from Sketch to Use. Frame Publishers, 2013.

Dowdy, Clare. One-off: Independent Retail Design. Laurence King, 2008.

Jin, Zhan., and Dawn Teo. Alternative Shops. Page One, 2006.

Klingmann, Anna. Brandscapes: Architecture in the Experience Economy. MIT Press, 2007.

Shepard, Judy. Small Stores under 250 m² [2,700 Sq. Ft.]. RSD Pub., 2011.

Yabuka, Narelle. Interior Pop! Gingko Press, 2011

Yin, Robert K. Case Study Research: Design and Methods. 4th ed., Sage Publications, 2009.


NYSID Library provides over 125,000 e-books for students to use, read and download. We make available more e-books than we have printed books in the library! There are several publishers that provide us e-books, as well as other collections that are available online. 

E-books from NYSID Library can be read online, downloaded as PDF's and printed. All of these services vary however from publisher to publisher. 

Content found in our e-books includes research information for humanities, design history, design theory, architectural types, software manuals and many textbooks. 

Visit the NYSID Library homepage > E-books to search CREDO Reference, ProQuest Ebook Central, and EBSCO  eBook collections.


Binggeli, Corky. Interior Graphic Standards. Student Edition., 2nd ed, Wiley, 2011. Ebook Central. 

Piotrowski, Christine M., and Elizabeth A. Rogers. Designing Commercial Interiors. 2nd ed., Wiley, 2007. Ebook Central.

Kilmer, Rosemary, and W. Otie Kilmer. Designing Interiors, Wiley, 2014. Ebook Central.

EBSCO e-books: Search the phrase "consumer culture" using quotation marks to find many relevant books on the topic.




Journals & Magazines

Searching for journal articles may allow you to find literature and research specifically related to your topic/project, e.g., hotel design trends, or hotel lobby for a specific aspect of hotel design They are also excellent sources for finding case studies relevant to your project.

NYSID Library's subscription to EBSCOhost includes the following three major databases: Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, GREENFile, and Art & Architecture Source. Combined, it provides you with access to full-text articles of over 600 journals. Although many of the records in the Avery Index are citations only (i.e., not full-text articles), it is very likely that either NYSID's Library or NYU's Bobst Library may have the print versions of the journals quoted in the citations. The Library can also issue a METRO pass to our users for consulting a particular book or journal in the Avery Library of Columbia University that is unavailable elsewhere.

When searching EBSCOhost, you can use any search terms related to hotel environments, such as hotel design, hotel layout, hotel environment, hotel industry, etc. To narrow your search, you can add keywords to your Boolean search specific to your project/research topics, such as "boutique hotel" AND "interior design," OR "interior decoration" AND "nyc or new york city."


The following journals in the NYSID Library may be particularly useful for the study of retail design and related trends and materials. 


Architectural Design

Architectural Lighting

Architectural Record   



Hospitality Design

Interior Design

Interiors & Sources

Journal of Interior Design 

Mark: Another Architecture

