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Writing a Paper: eBooks

Accessing eBooks

In order to access eBooks, you will be asked to sign in using your NYSID credentials. It is recommended that students first log in to Portal and click on the Library tab. From here, systems will recognize you as a NYSID student. 

eBook Features

The library has many eBooks for you to utilize, including some class textbooks. Below are some features to help you maximize your eBook use: 

Search within book: this allows you to search for a word or phrase within the book. This can be a great way to quickly see what an eBook says about your topic. Remember that you may have to search multiple keywords, for example if you are searching for a house that goes by more than one name. 

Download or Print: both the download and print features 

Citation: creates a citation for your Works Cited page.

Searching eBooks

Use the search boxes on the right to search our library's individual eBook collections.  Credo will provide access to general reference materials (encyclopedias and the like).  Ebsco has the broadest selection of eBooks (over 100,000 titles).  Our Ebook Central collection consists of over 100 titles, some of which include course textbooks and technical manuals. 

Search CREDO


Search Ebook Central
