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Design Process: Finding Images and Plans

Google for Plans and Verified Sites

Google images can get you to plans and elevations very quickly. However, make sure you choose plans from a


What's a verified source? In the search below, I looked at web addresses to see who posted these plans. Some were probably copied from books and placed online, others were recreated in Sketchup. For research, make sure you use sources that you can verify. Don't trust a blogger to get it right or another student to redraw plans accurately. 

Verified sources can include URL's with .edu at the end. Libraries, museums and other cultural institutions make research information available online, as well as architecture firms and the buildings themselves that may now be house museums.

Great Buildings is a digital compendium of architecture plans and images from Architecture Week. This is a fabulous verified source that provides further sources on each page about that work of architecture. See the example below:



ARTstor has a variety of plans and images of models. More information on searching in ARTstor, saving images, and zooming in on features can be found in our ARTstor libguide here.

For a 360 degree view of works of architecture, check out the cool QTVR's