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Design Process Online: Finding Articles

Why Articles?

You may need to look for journal articles that document your house. Many famous works of architecture were documented in magazines and journals when first complete. There may also be historical perspectives that have been written about your house that will be available as full-text (i.e. the scanned article) in EBSCOhost and JSTOR

From both of these databases, articles can be downloaded as PDF's or printed. 

Journals that document residential architecture in the NYSID collection include Architectural Record and GA Houses


In the example on the right, we see that a search for "Fallingwater plans" brought back an article with interior images of Fallingwater. It did have plans, but from other Frank Lloyd Wright houses and buildings. However, this was an excellent article for background on Wright and how he applied his theories of design to Fallingwater.

Searching in EBSCOhost and Avery Index

When searching in EBSCOhost, there are several full text search options that give you access to over 600 full text journals and 120,000 eBooks. You can decide to search several databases simultaneously, or choose those that have full text options. Those that provide full-text are:

-Art and Architecture Complete

-Art Full Text

The Avery Index is the most comprehensive indexing on architecture in the world. It indexes hundreds of architecture journals. This resource links to very little full text content, and you will have to kick it old school by looking up articles in journals. However, the depth of architectural research here can't be matched anywhere else.

-Avery Index

Searching in JSTOR