The Library has a number of books on evidence-based design. You can simply enter the keywords, "evidence-based," into the search box of the Library's online catalog, Bobcat, and you will find a number of titles all relevant to interior design and architecture. You can browse the chapters relevant to your specific research topics, e.g., healing, lighting, children, or use the index of the book to locate the information you need. The following are a list of titles which you may find useful for your research:
Evidence-Based Design (General and Multiple Building Types):
Hamilton, D. Kirk., and David H. Watkins. Evidence-based Design for Multiple Building Types. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2009. Print.
Malkin, Jain. A Visual Reference for Evidence-based Design. Concord, CA: Center for Health Design, 2008. Print.
Nussbaumer, Linda L. Evidence-based Design for Interior Designers. New York : [Oxford: Fairchild ; Berg, Distributor], 2009. Print.
Robinson, Lily B., and Alexandra T. Parman. Research-inspired Design : A Step-by-step Guide for Interior Designers (2020). Web.
EBD in Healthcare Environment:
Cama, Rosalyn. Evidence-based Healthcare Design. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2009. Print. Wiley Book on Evidence-based Design.
Center for Health Design. An Introduction to Evidence-based Design : Exploring Healthcare and Design. 2nd ed. Concord, CA: Center for Health Design, 2010. Print. EDAC Study Guide Ser. ; 1.
Center for Health Design, Publisher. Building the Evidence Base : Understanding Research in Healthcare Design. Third ed. 2014. Print. EDAC Study Guide Ser. ; 2.
Center for Health Design. Integrating Evidence-based Design : Practicing the Healthcare Design Process. 2nd ed. Concord, CA: Center for Health Design, 2010. Print. EDAC Study Guide Ser. ; 3.
Devlin, Ann Sloan. Transforming the Doctor's Office : Principles from Evidence-based Design. 2015. Print.
McCullough, McCullough, Cynthia S, and Sigma Theta Tau International. Evidence-based Design for Healthcare Facilities. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International, 2010. Print.