e-shelf allows you to store searches, push citations to bibliographic tools, view your search queries, view your circulation holds and due dates, and much more!
First, sign in to BobCat (use your NYSID ID number preceded by the letter "D" and the first 4 letters of your last name).
Then, conduct your search. Look for the option to "Save Query" next to your numbered search results.
Next you'll be asked to name your query and choose whether you want BobCat to automatically search again. If so, you'll periodically receive emails containing updated search results as new books are added to the library collection.
Choosing "Add to e-Shelf" will allow you to easily remember favorite titles. It's also handy for saving a list of titles that you may need to cite later.
Use the "Email," "Print," or "Send/Share" buttons to export your title lists. For more information about accessing eBooks (different than eShelf), click here.